Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Leal A.B.M.

#1 - Teste de ELISA indireto para o diagnóstico sorológico de pitiose

Abstract in English:

Santurio J.M., Leal A.T., Leal A.B.M., Alves S.H., Lübeck I., Griebeler J. & Copetti M.V. 2006. [Indirect ELISA for the serodiagnostic of pythiosis.] Teste de ELISA indireto para o diagnóstico sorológico de pitiose. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):47-50. Departamento de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, prédio 20, sala 4139, Lapemi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Pythiosis is a granulomatous disease caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum that affects humans and animals, especially horses. Deaths are very often the consequence of incorrect or late diagnosis when animals no longer respond to treatment. This study aimed standardization of the ELISA assay for the serodiagnostic of pythiosis in horses and rabbits, in order to minimize errors and delays in the diagnosis of the disease. Sera of 72 healthy and 44 of by pythiosis affected horses were used for development and evaluation of the test. The ELISA for equine diagnostic showed 97.72% sensitivity, 90.27% specificity, 86% positive predictive value, 98.4% negative predictive value, and 93.1% efficiency. The rabbit test was standardized with 48 sera of healthy rabbits and 24 sera of rabbits immunized with P. insidiosum antigens. The results were 91.66 % sensitivity, 95.83% specificity, 91.66% positive predictive value, 95.83% negative predictive value, and 94.44% efficiency. It can be concluded that ELISA is a reliable test for diagnostic and serological monitoring of pythiosis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Santurio J.M., Leal A.T., Leal A.B.M., Alves S.H., Lübeck I., Griebeler J. & Copetti M.V. 2006. [Indirect ELISA for the serodiagnostic of pythiosis.] Teste de ELISA indireto para o diagnóstico sorológico de pitiose. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(1):47-50. Departamento de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, prédio 20, sala 4139, Lapemi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Pythiosis is a granulomatous disease caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum that affects humans and animals, especially horses. Deaths are very often the consequence of incorrect or late diagnosis when animals no longer respond to treatment. This study aimed standardization of the ELISA assay for the serodiagnostic of pythiosis in horses and rabbits, in order to minimize errors and delays in the diagnosis of the disease. Sera of 72 healthy and 44 of by pythiosis affected horses were used for development and evaluation of the test. The ELISA for equine diagnostic showed 97.72% sensitivity, 90.27% specificity, 86% positive predictive value, 98.4% negative predictive value, and 93.1% efficiency. The rabbit test was standardized with 48 sera of healthy rabbits and 24 sera of rabbits immunized with P. insidiosum antigens. The results were 91.66 % sensitivity, 95.83% specificity, 91.66% positive predictive value, 95.83% negative predictive value, and 94.44% efficiency. It can be concluded that ELISA is a reliable test for diagnostic and serological monitoring of pythiosis.

#2 - Equine pythiosis in the Brazilian Pantanal region: Clinical and pathological findings of typical and atypical cases, 21(4):151-156

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Leal A.B.M., Leal A.T., Santurio J.M., Kommers G.D. & Catto J.B. 2001. [Equine pythiosis in the Brazilian Pantanal region: Clinical and pathological findings of typical and atypical cases] Pitiose eqüina no Pantanal brasileiro: aspectos clínico-patológicos de casos típicos e atípicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(4):151-156. Laboratório de Pesquisas Micológicas, Depto Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Equine pythiosis is an endemic disease of horses and causes significant economic losses to equine breeding in the Brazilian Pantanal. This article describes 16 cases of subcutaneous pythiosis in horses from that region. The clinical cases were divided in typical (11) and atypical (5), according to the clinical features and duration of the disease. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by detection of specific antibodies by ELISA, isolation of the agent and histopathology. The duration of the disease varie d from 1 to 6 months in the typical cases and was over 12 months in the atypical ones. The lesions in the typical cases were characterized by subcutaneous ulcerated granulomas with abundant serosanguineous secretion and itching. The atypical cases presented subcutaneous lesions characterized by large, circumscribed tumorous masses covered by a dark non ulcerated skin, associated with Iittle orno secretion. These lesions showed a well organized aspect, were sometimes pedunculate and the animals showed a good body condition. Histologically, the typical cases were characterized by granulation tissue with abundant eosinophils; whereas the atypical cases presented pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the epidermis and eosinophilic infiltrate. The complete description of the clinical and histopathological features and possible factors responsible for differences between the two clinical forms are presented and discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Leal A.B.M., Leal A.T., Santurio J.M., Kommers G.D. & Catto J.B. 2001. [Equine pythiosis in the Brazilian Pantanal region: Clinical and pathological findings of typical and atypical cases] Pitiose eqüina no Pantanal brasileiro: aspectos clínico-patológicos de casos típicos e atípicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(4):151-156. Laboratório de Pesquisas Micológicas, Depto Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: A pitiose eqüina é doença endêmica no Pantanal Brasileiro e causa prejuízos significativos a eqüinocultura. Neste trabalho são relatados 16 casos de pitiose subcutânea em eqüinos no Pantanal Sul-Matogrossense, que foram divididos em onze casos típicos e cinco casos atípicos, de acordo com o quadro clínico e o tempo de duração das lesões. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela detecção de anticorpos específicos pelo teste ELISA, isolamento do agente e histopatológico. A duração da doença variou entre 1 e 6 meses nos casos típicos e superior a 12 meses nos casos atípicos. As lesões dos casos típicos caracterizavam-se por granulomas subcutâneos, ulcerados, com abundante secreção serossanguinolenta e prurido. Nos casos atípicos foram observadas lesões subcutâneas caracterizadas por grandes massas "tumorais" circunscritas, recobertas por pele escura, sem ulcerações e com pouca secreção. Os animais estavam em bom estado nutricional e as lesões apresentavam-se de aspecto organizado, às vezes pedunculadas. Histologicamente, foi observado tecido de granulação com muitos eosinófilos nos casos típicos, enquanto os atípicos, se caracterizaram por hiperplasia pseudo-epiteliomatosa da epiderme e infiltrado eosinofilico. As características clínicas e histopato lógicas completas das duas formas clínicas e os possíveis fatores responsáveis pelas diferenças entre as duas formas são apresentados e discutidos.

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